When this is the case, multiple tiers may show as a single tier. Wells Fargo interest rates offered within two or more consecutive tiers may be the same. Interest Rates and APYs for all checking and savings accounts are variable and can be changed by the Bank at any time. In any month the amount of accrued interest is less than $0.01, periodic statements will show no Annual Percentage Yield Earned (APYE) or interest earned though interest is accruing.
Accrued interest is considered to be earned and will be paid only when the total interest accrued reaches $0.01 or more. Interest is calculated and accrued daily based on the daily collected balances in the account.
Interest is compounded daily and paid monthly.
Interest Rates are subject to change without notice. Annual Percentage Yields (APYs) and Interest Rates shown are offered on accounts accepted by the Bank and effective for the dates shown above, unless otherwise noted.